Plan of Action on Albinism

The Africa Union Plan of Action to End Attacks and Other Human Rights Violations Targeting Persons with Albinism in Africa (Plan of Action 2021-2031) is our strategic framework of operation. It is a tool that unites our diverse stakeholders and partners around a common objective and plan. The Network promotes the entire Plan of Action but prioritizes three thematic areas. 

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African Union Plan of Action on Albinism (2021-2031)

The tables in the Plan of Action set out the activities necessary to achieve the goals of the Plan of Action. The overall time frame is 10 years, from 2021 to 2031.

In the first place, the responsible entities are member states, ministries, partner organizations, and other stakeholders, which may differ from country to country.

Indicators and possible data sources are included in the Plan of Action. It is believed that by illuminating the different components of action in this manner, policy planners and implementers will be assisted in adapting the Plan of Action to the specific context, country, or region.

History of the African Union Plan of Action (2021-2031)


Since 2006, nearly 800 attacks and other violations against persons with albinism have been reported across 28 countries in the Africa region. These numbers reflect a major threat to the right to life of persons with albinism on the continent. This is only the tip of the iceberg, as many other cases go unreported. In an effort to combat these violations, including alleviating preconditions that facilitate violence, the United Nations Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of Human Rights by Persons with Albinism, in collaboration with various African Union mechanisms, including the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, as well as other international development partners, contributed to the development of a Regional Action Plan, the precursor to the current Plan of Action to End Attacks and Other Human Rights Violations Targeting Persons with Albinism in Africa (Plan of Action 2021-2031).

Main landmarks

The Regional Action Plan (2017-2021) was the first-ever regional mechanism to proactively address eradicating discrimination and violence against persons with albinism in Sub-Saharan Africa. Its overarching objective was to monitor the true impact of efforts to protect and integrate persons with albinism by multiple stakeholders across Africa. In particular, the plan consisted of specific measures to realize the enjoyment of peace and human rights by persons with albinism. The Plan had four main pillars that have been carried over into the current AU Plan of Action. These are: prevention, protection, accountability, and equality & non-discrimination. The AU also created a Special Envoy on Albinism to ensure implementation of the Plan of Action.

Timeline of Major Events in the History of the Plan of Action on Albinism

African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights endorses the Regional Action Plan on Albinism in Africa (2017-2021)

May 2017

In its resolution endorsing the Plan, the Commission urged States to adopt and implement the Regional Action Plan and to ensure the effective protection and promotion of the rights of persons with albinism and members of their families. It also invited organs and bodies of the African Union to give due regard to the Regional Action Plan within their mandates. 

The European Union welcomes the Regional Action Plan as a positive and sustainable step

October 2017

In its resolution on the Regional Action Plan, the European Parliament expressed deep concern at the continuing and far-reaching discrimination and persecution faced by persons with albinism in Africa and condemned any inhuman and degrading treatment suffered by persons with albinism. They called for immediate and effective implementation of the Regional Action Plan. European Union Member States were encouraged to keep engaging with affected countries to support policies that uphold the rights of people with albinism.

UN Independent Expert presented the Regional Action Plan to the Human Rights Council

March 2018

Read the report HERE

The Pan-African Parliament also endorsed the Regional Action Plan via resolution (PAP.4/PLN/RES/05/MAY.18)

May 2018

A revised Plan of Action for the period 2021-2031 was adopted by the Executive Council of the African Union during its 35th Ordinary Session

July 2019

The plan officially bears the name “Plan of Action to End Attacks and Other Human Rights Violations Targeting Persons with Albinism in Africa (2021-2031).”

Development and Validation of the Implementation strategy for the Plan of Action

November 2021

Under the leadership of the African Union (Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs, and Social Development), in collaboration with the UN Independent Expert on albinism, scores of civil society organizations representing person with albinism across Africa developed and validated an implementation strategy for the Plan of Action. This strategy was embedded into the extant AU Plan of Action (2021-2031) to encourage clarity and immediate adoption into national legislation and policy frameworks and to facilitate implementation. 

Evaluation of the Regional Action Plan (2017 – 2021)

July 2021

At the end of its 5-year span, the Regional Action Plan (2017 – 2021) was evaluated by the UN Independent Expert and affiliates. Read that report HERE

Introduction of African Union Plan of Action (2021-2031)

July 2021

The Regional Action Plan ended, and the African Union Plan of Action (2021-2031) took over.