United Nations Human Rights Council
58th Regular Session
ID – IE Albinism
Item 3
Oral Statement of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) in the Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Expert on Albinism
I am Bonface Massah, the Executive Director of Africa Albinism Network representing over 200 albinism groups throughout Africa. On behalf of the International Commission of Jurists and the AAN, I welcome the tenth-anniversary report of the UN Independent Expert on albinism and the continuing efforts of the mandate holder to ensure the full enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism worldwide.
Considerable progress has been made in the last ten years. Advocacy on albinism has grown, leading to the decline in attacks and prejudice throughout Africa. Legal and policy framework have been strengthened and adopted.
However, serious problems still exist. Attacks on persons with albinism persist; in 2024, six African nations reported ritual killings cases, including one in which a two-year-old child with albinism was murdered for her body parts. Deaths from skin cancer are on the rise, which is made worse by climate change, limited access to sunscreen, and a weak healthcare system. Persons with albinism are more just a genetic condition to kill and steal, we jointly call upon for adequate measures by all governments to end human rights violations against persons with albinism.
Independent Expert: What concrete measures should be taken by States to ensure health systems are responding to the needs of persons with albinism?
Statement delivered by: Bonface Massah
To download the complete statement click here
Read the UN Independent Expert’s Tenth Anniversary report in English and French